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Manx Credit Union

In 2021, the Manx Credit Union (MCU), which provides savings and loans services for people on the Isle of Man, was keen to develop a new mobile banking app to enhance the service and user experience for its members. The credit union’s key objective was to reach a younger and wider audience, whilst providing existing members with greater accessibility to its services - wherever they were on the Island.

Given its limited office opening hours (the credit union is run by volunteers) and the increasing use of mobile devices by members, the credit union recognised that the introduction of a mobile banking application system could help them achieve this.

Thanks to a grant of £9,000 from Manx Lottery Trust, the credit union was able to introduce a mobile app in 2022. This allows members to check their savings and loan balances from anywhere, at any time, request payment instructions, e-sign documents and more, whilst providing the MCU with the ability to integrate online forms with its software system.

The mobile app, which was created especially for credit unions and is used by a number of them across the UK, can also be used to send MCU news updates and other communications directly to members, ensuring they don’t miss out on any important updates or developments.

Offering greater convenience to its members, the mobile app has been taken up by around a third of MCU’s members to date. Since its launch, it has also freed up valuable resource, giving the credit union’s dedicated volunteers more time to work on savings and loans applications and other member services.

Wendy Shimmin of the Manx Credit Union said: ‘In this increasingly digital age, people are looking for convenience and easy accessibility when it comes to banking and financial services. Around 70% of the people who visit our website do so on their mobile – so it was clear that people want to engage with us online.

‘In the 12 months since it was introduced, our mobile app has allowed the MCU to enhance its service offering for members– providing efficiency, convenience, and greater access to our services. We’d like to say a huge thank you to Manx Lottery Trust for providing us with the much-needed funding that allowed us to take this digital step forward.’

To find out more about the MCU and its savings and loans services, visit: www.mcu.im/.

Please note that the MCU mobile banking app is only available to MCU members and is not downloadable through any app store.